Check out the new single by A Crowd Electric called "Reckless" that is totally working me over to no end today. Busy putting together their first album (which is being mixed in LA and co-produced by Mark Stone who has worked with Katy Perry) A Crowd Electric are really excited to share with you this preview of their unique sound which they described as…"The smeared mascara, black leather, goth in the fog machine sorta song we just had to get out of our system…"
I would have to totally agree – the track just works and is quite impressive for an indie electronic pop band. Make sure to take a listen below and if you like it, make note as the "Reckless EP" will be coming out next week on June 8th.
A Crowd Electric have also put together an EQ mixtape for us last year which was a big hit at EQ Live – if you didn't have a chance to download it – you can get it for FREE on their official website – there are some oldies but goodies on there but it totally encapsulates what EQ is all about.