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I don't know about you, but today – I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. 

I thought about watching a marathon of Glee to help turn my frown upside down, but then the new single called "Were All Gonna Die (Have Fun)" by The Candle Thieves arrived in my inbox and well, it shined a little rainbow on that ugly little grey cloud hoovering above my head.  So, I thought I would share it with you – listen to it right here, right now…or save it for a rainy day of your own.

I quite like The Candle Thieves…I first heard about them back in August and they have got that something special – and it's quite evident. The duo has just recently been signed to Downtown Records which is also the home of Gnarls Barkley.

Their music is so "sync-able" too – as it reaches a wide demographic. No doubt you will start hearing songs by The Candle Thieves in adverts for luxury cars, dish soap and popular condom brands sometime soon…

More from The Candle Thieves you ask?  

You can stream their upcoming "Sunshine" EP right here. I'm quite enamoured with "My Love Will Clap It's Hand's For You".