
Not so long ago I was approached by the Digital Audio recording label from out of Romania who had recently added some new music artists within their roster. Owing to the out and out newness of their assigned artist Fernando Veron who I saw most potential in presenting to you the readers of EQ Music, there is little by way of social media presence as yet, as this is totally how brand new you could ever get.

With no artist history documented, exactly who Fernando Veron is remains a question unanswered at this point in time, although I feel I could lay a bet down on him not so certainly being Romanian himself!

What we are privy to know of just now though is Fernando’s launch track “Never Let You Go” of which you could assumptively draw a wild comparison to that of being seen as of an Enrique Iglesias styled persuasion. That’s to say it’s carried by the evocative allure of latin smoking hot electro-pop served of plentiful fizz and establishes a sunshine soaked demeanour reminiscent of kindling a summer romance.

What we have here ladies and gentlefolk is an unapologetic burst of radio friendly pop orientation which is oozing of universal appealing enjoyment factor aplenty.

Totally the chorus is designed to get stuck in your head! And as a launch tool for Fernando, this is something which is totally to be seen as plus point.