When sonically calming, electronic pop is fashioned right, it can turn around to be unforgivingly hypnotic and give up more within it than first impressions would have us believe.

Soft focus electronica however minimal it may first appear, is by and large strewn with delicate intricacies that no matter how beat-ridden the track may finally turn out, are seamlessly placed in such a way that it might have us fooled that there isn’t a whole lot going on. In the majority of cases it turns out to be anything but the truth.

Take this gentle and mellifluously flowing debut by Austrian born singer-songwriter James Hersey as a prime example of chilled, tempered electronic lines which have the capacity to envelope the audio senses affectively in gorgeous and shimmery evocative tones. When tailored alongside earnestly, heartfelt lyrics about missing that certain someone special, take on altogether emotionally deeper context than the uplifting, fluid mid-tempo melody implies.

Match this to James soulfully lilting vocals and we are met with a majestic soundscape of touchingly dreamy audio bliss which quite pleasurably reaches out in a most relatable manner to all who have been charmed by its charismatically drenched, empowering sonic disposition.