By Mandy Rogers / Photo by  www.nicolefarasilver.com

It is easy for us to collect clutter in our lives; it is also easy with the advancements of technology for music to become cluttered with every new technique available, especially in the electronic sphere. Some of them for the good, some of them not, and some of them used far too readily, like my personal bug-bare of the extraneous use of auto-tune. 

So when an artist comes before me, bearing their musical soul open with expressive but also simplistic beauty, that’s stripped down to the creature comforts in their music, I feel that I’m am moreover, connecting on the artists wavelength.

I have been fortunate to have been introduced to Icelandic Artist Andi Kristins, who is a multicultural grounded player, having settled and journeyed through Japan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Pakistan and is currently homed in New York. 

Andi disperses the stresses of life and bakes her music with a slice of sugar and spice and all things nice!  Or as her bio reports, “hot melted butter on toast, tea, autumn leaves, vanilla scented candles” these are a few of her favourite things and mine as it happens!

I feel if you’re into the delicate and graceful electronica of acts like BIM and Imogen Heap then you might like to get to know Andi Kristins as well.

Take a listen to the lead track from her new release “Magic”, uncluttered, beautiful and simply breathtakingly joyus feel good music, I think you will find!, like a pampering to the senses, that a long soak in a bubbly bath or a big fluffy pillow brings to a tired and weary head.  As it's title suggest pure magic!

You can buy it here along with two other tracks “Snake” and “Afghanistan”  both of equal charm and are a more than pleasant release from all the BOOM, BOOM, bleep, bleep, BAM, BAM, out there.