Breaking news. So you think you know Sigrid, well think again. The Norwegian songstress just released her uber-powerful track “It Gets Dark“. And it’s really not a disco-pop song this time, like her other singles in this album campaign, “Mirror” or “Burning Bridges“. The track was first played live by Sigrid in London’s Lafayette last August. It went down a storm with her fans, who have demanded that she release the song ever since.
The moment the opening bars drop, we sense how epic this track will eventually be. This introduction section sounds like it should belong on a movie soundtrack really sets the song up beautifully. When Sigrid sings, she is undoubtedly a little powerhouse. But I never envisioned her as a potential performer for a James Bond movie theme song. Yet these were my immediate thoughts upon hearing the single edit of “It Gets Dark” for the first time last night. Premiering as BBC Radio One “Hottest Record In The World” with Clara Amfo.
At the moment, more and more pop songs are going in more of a pop-rock direction. Sigrid is leading the charge with this one. There is definitely some rock guitar riffs bubbling away among the electronic and pop bits of the track. Even so, these are no match for Sigrid’s powerfully alluring vocal. She gives a particularly dynamite performance on this song. I actually didn’t think she could bust out a vocal as amazing as this. She is Fierce with a capital F.
Sigrid says in an interview (HERE) the track was the first she wrote for this new album. “It’s been the guiding star for the whole project. Everything leads back to “It Gets Dark“. After getting “Mirror” and “Burning Bridges,” I wouldn’t have thought that at all. One cannot deny she’s taken things up a notch. I had no idea she could be MORE like this. Go, Sigrid!
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