London, indie, electronic duo New Arcades have their first track of 2017 coming out in a few short weeks. And they’ve really put their pedal to the metal for a rush of synth-pop gas on this one.
As is more often than not with these two, the appreciation of 80’s electronic pop goes without saying, they’ve built their sound from the ground up of it and have such a rich catalogue to draw influence from, it’s no short wonder that Adam Sullivan and Dean Canty grow better and greater with each release. Feels as they’ve really hit the bullseye with “From The Dark” though. The synth-pop strong track comes face-on with a balanced helping of equal amounts, soft pop rock tendancies. Whilst, all the while the boys give a vocally dynamic execution of passion and performance.
Can’t help but detect a whole lot of influence borrowed from what Johnny Hates Jazz “Shattered Dreams” was previously made of, pushed through, freshened up and re-homed as a tantalising dance-pop nugget in the here and now.
Let’s put it out there shall we. New Arcades may not have been around in the 1980’s yet, in the present day they are turning out some of the best examples of it. It’s thanks to bands such as New Arcades that the thrilling synth-pop sounds of yore will never be lost or forgotten. They will instead bring in new audiences to seek out the gems which once dominated the pop charts back in the day.