Every time Norway’s Astrid S pulls out another new a track, it weighs in a touch better than the last one. With plaudits coming at her left right and centre together with the last single “Hurts So Bad” breaking 120 million Spotify streams alone, we can’t argue with figures like that for an emerging artist as being considered nothing short of a seriously impressive achievement.
Facts and stats are one thing though that do not go anyway in favour with me to sway my interest in an artist. If the music stands out and has a lyrical backbone to it, that sets it apart like Astrid S is proven to be masterful of then I’ll revisit her music and review her progress, with a special interest anyways.
However, what I DO find so great about Astrid S, is that her team of industry makers aren’t flailing around by putting up territory restrictions on her releases like what happened early on, in the career with Zara Larsson. It was like pop entering a seclusion zone where it’s only allowed to escape out in controlled amounts. This should not be a thing in 2017, otherwise we might see more of the scenario of solo artists hogging simultaneous multiple streaming records and in the long run this cannot be seen as healthy, by anyone’s standards.
In support of her latest single “Breathe”, Astrid has given herself a midas makeover and painted herself a glittering shade of golden for the image on the cover sleeve. Now I am struggling to see the sense of it, but maybe more clarity can be served on that when the video drops.
Until then we are left with this rather jaunty pop song which is about finding that person that makes you go kaboom inside, leaving your head go a bit dizzy and temporarily forgetting the fundamental things like breathing. Infact, there’s some right corkers of metaphoric lyrics in this, references to “Stocking up on Oxygen, because I forget to breathe, when I’m with you” and “You got me lifting like an astronaut, no helmet on and my lungs just stop”.
So the burning question on this is, why isn’t Astrid wearing a space helmet on the single cover? I mean albeit an obvious suggestion, it surely should have been a done deal one this one.