By Mandy Rogers
Kick up to Kiki’s, yeah the Scissor Sisters pretty much
delved into the deep house pool of uberly sassy underworld dalliances of the
hook by cheekily naughty nature, all in the name of party.
I DO love a bit of tongue firmly in cheek humour, especially
when it is has hot beats to support it and it overall presents itself as well
turned out. Pressing both my humour and my pleaszy buttons is Berlin Tech House
producer Lee Curtiss of the VisionQuest DJ/Producer collective.
Renowned for his straight shooting, raunchy packed, deep and
dirty house, floor stealers. “Body Twitch” from the freshly released “Lunatic
Fringe EP” is a sensually evocative concoction of the some of the sweatiest,
sleaziest beats that have fallen upon these ears since Lil Louis “French
OOOooooo and that tag line! “I can make your body twitch, I’ll
be working like we’re making kids” Well
guffaws out loud for a complete cheese-fest of a chat up line! However, humour is one of the most prominent
qualities I look for in my circle of friends and lovers, so you know………(whistles
and winks).
Who needs Christian Grey when there's grimy and steamy offering itself up on a platter like this!