Ignore the fact there is a new Britney video out today, this is way more exciting…
When I first heard on Twitter that The Good Natured was doing a collaboration with Adrian Lux, my initial reaction was something like this…
"Fuck me! Pick me up off the floor that is rather phenomenal!"
Yes, I was in total music geek shock and that was putting it lightly. The pairing of dance artist extraordinaire Adrian Lux with the hauntingly beautiful voice of Sarah from The Good Natured couldn't be any more perfect. The result is…
I go on and on about The Good Natured and Adrian Lux and if you needed any more proof about how brilliant they are, just click here, here, here, here and here.
Told you – fucking amazing eh?
Now with "Alive" those worlds collide.
You see that glitter streaming all around you? That's from when my head exploded…