It’s been quite some time since Carlos Nóbrega sent me over some exciting little samples of the album he’d been pouring so much hard work into, but I think a lot of life got in the way and especially being the creative all rounder that he is, there were plentiful choices of project opportunities springing up in other areas, like starring in films and acting on television in his native Portugal and Spain.
In my heart of hearts, I knew Carlos wouldn’t stay away from releasing music longer than he’d have to, but I also knew he wasn’t about to put just anything out, he’d want it to be the best he could give.
We really need to take the release of electro dance anthem “Set Me Free” as a mere taster to the huge undertaking that is headed our way from Carlos Nóbrega. There’s two albums on the horizon “The Art of Making Love” from which “Set Me Free” serves as the lead single and the second album “Almageddon” which contains a number of songs which are to be featured on upcoming movie soundtracks. It’s all very exciting times for Carlos indeed.
In the instance of “Set Me Free”. I feel certain it’s paving the way for something even more daring, punchy and ambitious. What I do love about the track, is the atmosphere of vibrancy which echoes the emotional release spoken about in the lyrics. It certainly surges with a buzzy momentum, eliciting the sense of a new beginning.