There is no denying as a band Polo, have grown into their music. Further to this, the Yorkshire trio has also been very good at implementing new styles into their mostly electronic framework. Because of this reason, it is always interesting when I am taking a first listen to a new track by the band. Because shifts in their soundscape are a regular occurrence. Initially, when reading about the track “On My End” vaguely tapping into the R’n’B genre. I became the most cautious I have ever been to get my first listen, in of new Polo material. The sceptical feelings I had were soon brushed aside, the exact hot minute the riveting intro kicked in.
Nothing says DIY music more than wafts of sound which elude to the charming clanking noise made when pots and pans are being hit by a spoon. I’m not suggesting Polo would release something which sounds as rudimental as that, per se, as they have far more musicianship running through their band veins than that. With some electronic know-how behind them, they’ve brought this compelling, choppy, indie style alive instead, with beats made up of sharp, staccato electronic pulses. There is a hint of soulful tone to Kat McHugh’s vocal which best serves the R’n’B vibe of the track.
Of “On My End” vocalist, Kat explains: “I feel OME really captures my attitude to a lot of things a lot of the time. It’s basically me putting my fingers in my ears to all the external nags and pressures to do things a certain way. It’s a bit cheeky and to be taken with a pinch of sarcasm.”
Fellow band members Luke and Dan also chime in: “OME is one of the rare occasions where the first idea, was the only idea. We didn’t even compromise at all. Every idea any one of us had was completely accepted by the rest, we threw everything at it and nothing got rejected, and we resulted in a song that is uniquely Polo, yet still shines as a personal achievement for all of us. The riff, chords and percussion were written on the first ever session and remained unchanged throughout the process. We worked fast, didn’t second guess ourselves and I think you can hear this in the track.”
Polo’s unique twist on electronic pop creates a fresh, minimalist sound on their latest release. Thankfully, they don’t stand still and are intrepid adventurers in the music world, constantly exploring new ground. “On My End” is a shining example of the bands of exciting production skills. Which team up, to handsomely showcase an exhilarating blast of ideas.
Connect with Polo
Twitter: @polomusicuk