One of my absolute favourite break out artists of 2018, was G Flip. The Aussie youngster gave us two superb singles which rocked with authenticity “About You” and “Killing My Time“. Not wanting to pile the pressure on, because I know she has been playing ‘live’ a lot over the last twelve months. Nonetheless, I have been waiting enthusiastically to hear something new from the multi-talented, Melbourne raised singer and musician. Not only has G Flip’s new year got off to a flying start by appearing at Sydney’s new years eve celebrations, where she participated in a drum battle with Australian rock musician Peter Luscombe. She has also heated up January by releasing two tracks “Drink Too Much” and “Bring Me Home.”
In all probability If you have been lucky enough to catch Georgia live, “Drink Too Much” is a song you will already be familiar with. It’s one of the oldest songs she performs. In accordance with G Flip’s autobiographical style of lyricism, the song candidly details a period when the singer enjoyed her youth a bit too much. She went rogue, became a bit of a party animal for a time. Ended up getting dumped because of her behaviour and then she had to find a way to cope with the loneliness. So she dreamed up a jaunty melody and fed it some words which recounted the events that were happening in her life at this time. She is never, not bold and imaginative. She is a precious anomaly and shows us this in all of her songs.
Which is why it is necessary for us to also look at, the track “Bring Me Home” as well. The song is an emotional ballad, not something we have heard from her before. She explains…
“2018 was an epic, exciting, exhausting year for me and my brain struggled to keep up. I had quite a bit of anxiety and frankly, it scared the shit out of me. It was really overwhelming and this song is about that. It’s ok not to be ok sometimes.”
It is important, recording artists such and G Flip and Bessie Turner are coming forward with to show everyone, they feel no less vulnerable than the rest of us. Nowhere lately, does this show itself as boldly in new music circles as in Bessie Turner’s crying selfie and G Flip’s pained, emotionally exposed video clip for the track “Bring Me Home.” Georgia Flipo enlightens us about the visual…
“I needed the film clip to be emotional like the song. I wrote this song when I was breaking down so, I wanted to portray that in the visual. I can’t act to save my life so, I put myself in a hot warehouse on a 97-degree day, and drummed for 6 hours straight until I couldn’t any more, to show that real emotion and convey what I was feeling.”
The clip definitely has created something really special and takes the pained and emotional lyrics of the song to a whole new level. It’s a rare occurrence that a music video leaves me awestruck. This video is the exception, it has done just that.
If you wanna catch G Flip Live here are your next UK and Europe Dates
Wednesday 15 May | London, UK | The Garage
Thursday 16 May | Paris, France | Le Pop Up Du Label
Thursday 23 May | Berlin, Germany | Kantine am Berghain
Connect with G Flip
Twitter: @gflipmusic