Calling all up-and-coming remixers – EQ has a hot comp for you!
You may have heard of Kaci Battaglia – she's been raved about previously on Arjan Writes and on Popjustice for her hot new electro/dance/pop stopmer "Crazy Possessive (I'll Muck You Up)".
Well Kaci has decided that she needs a stomping new remix for the song and is calling on all EQ readers and their music-mined friends to remix "Crazy Possesive" – she's even letting the readers pick the winning remix!
So what do you say? Fancy remixing one of the hottest new artists on the scene? The winning remix and remixer will be featured and the track available for download on popular hot dance music download site
To get started, all you need to do is download the materials you need from the "How To Enter/Drop Box" link above. All remixes must be received by August 15th in which we will then put the remixes up for vote.
Have fun remixing everyone – we want to see some creative remixes coming through. If you have any questions at all, please just email us on [email protected].
To discover Kaci Battaglia yourself if you haven't already done so, make sure to give her a whirl over on MySpace and you can even download "Crazy Possesive" right now on .