Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s 2013 already! The theme for this amazing new year is most certainly “CHANGE”!

First off, I’m extremely sad to see the loss of Gaydar Radio in the UK. Gaydar Radio left behind a strong legacy that will be remembered through their fantastic playlists and presenters that immediately lifted the mood whenever you pressed “play”. My best goes out to Phil Marriott and the Gaydar Radio team who tirelessly championed GLBT radio for many years and I’m certain another rainbow will open up for all of them very soon.

EQ Music has spent a lot of time re-inventing itself over the holidays. From our brand new visual redesign courtesy of long-time collaborator Liam Curry to our transition from TypePad as a blogging platform to WordPress – we’ve most certainly felt the change.


We also physically moved from London to Barcelona (it’s just temporary) to be closer to the 2013 Poptronik Festival, so I guess you could say, it’s “ALL CHANGE” here at EQ Music and we’ve always been ones to embrace progression.

I’d like to welcome aboard our newest contributor Stephen Grant to EQ Music as we are really excited to infuse his music picks into the fabric of the EQ Music community, alongside Mandy, Jordan and Javi’s regular features. We also have recently announced our new 2013 EQ Music Theme Song Contest too and we can’t wait for the submissions to start rolling in – call it our little version of Eurovision if you will! This month we will also be prepping new single releases from EQ Music artists Parralox and Ryan Adamés and start development of the new “This Beat Is Poptronik – Volume Two” compilation album.

From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say thank you for being a part of everything we do at EQ Music as your continued readership and support keep us inspired to continually bring you new electronic pop picks and drives us to help develop the EQ Music brand even further. Viva 2013!

Raj Rudolph