Norway’s Margaret Berger brought her glacially tempered electro pop to a widened European audience earlier this year as a participant of Eurovision and tallied a respectable 4th position with the powerhouse fuelled “I Feed You My Love”.
As Margaret’s pop domain has now thrown open windows of opportunity via Eurovision for far-reaching music communities to embrace her bewitching brew of off-centre dance levitated pop compositions.
Retaining her quirky alternative persona Margaret unleashes a wildcard of statement pop entitled “Human Race” as her UK debut release. Let’s just say it’s outlandish grasp of a skewed vision upon the formidable Scandipop formulas should be seen as its biggest asset when sent to a nation that prides itself on its eccentric leaning nature.
Furthermore, think about it did we Brits batter an eyelid in surprise back when Sarah Brightman rolled out her 70’s disco oddball “Starship Trooper”? no we just drunk it into our fabric of loving all things unconventional. We should hold onto this thought in the same way, as we are jump started by the outwardly avant-garde outlook of Margaret Berger’s “Human Race”. It’s possibly not destined to go down in the charting pop history books, yet by the same token it is definitely strangely memorable.