It’s interesting isn’t it when emerging bands take a flip back in inspiration and carve out for themselves a nostalgia spliced creation that also fits comfortably in amongst the innovative alt pop nature of some of the current stadium filling, global rock gods.
L.A. based indie outfit Friend Slash Lover, show us just how this can be achieved by combining a clear goth pop odyssey that steers back to the dark wave era of The Cure and Echo And The Bunnymen whilst, additionally layering up a dreamy new wave perspective that comes together on current single “Hellthy”.
Friend Slash Lover have engineered a wonderfully intriguing skewed vision of electronica that you don’t tend to hear so much of coming through on the daily upstream, but for those who especially lived through the new-wave / post punk evolution “Hellthy” will stir up fond memories of smudged eye liner and scrunched up hair.