It’s Freestyle Friday! That day of the week where we rewind and give love to one of EDM’s earliest genres.

It was pretty inevitable that TKA would end up on a Freestyle Friday post as they were one of THE most successful acts in the genre with their freestyle pop crossover tracks which (this is a little joke amongst freestyle fans) featured the word “love” in them. For example, “Scars Of Love”, “One Way Love”, “Give Your Love To Me”, “Is It Love?”, “Come Get My Love” and “Love Conquers All”.

However it was this LOVEsong by TKA that happens to be favorite and it’s called “Louder Than Love”.

With thousands of YouTube plays from old uploaded VHS copies, something tells me that a modern-day remake of “Louder Than Love” might transcend well into today’s pop music landscape. “Louder Than Love” did earn TKA the name of “Kings Of Freestyle” and their Greatest Hits album is a must own for any serious electronic pop aficionado.

TKA’s “Greatest Hits” is pretty hard to find on iTunes actually, but if you can find a physical copy on eBay, I’d scoop it up if I were you.

Are you curious about Freestyle music and love our Freestyle Friday posts, well visit our archive!