We’re always on guard to bring you our readers, both the premium / unsigned hottest, freshest breakout acts that cross our new talent radar.
We happen to consider that Eric Dill former pop rock front-man from Boston’s The Click Five fits nicely into this formula with his burgeoning solo pop career.
Not entirely cut loose from his power pop roots, Eric does nonetheless diverse on his solo album “Forever Is Not Enough” by colouring in some spectacular mainstream pop moments; for instance, “The Girl Always Wins”, “In My Head” & “Postcard From Hollywood” all tame the former power pop force into a mainstream persona, levelled together with some uplifting serenades in “I Will Come Back For You”, & “Leaving You Lonely” clarifying that Eric has arrived as an all round pop player capable of winning over a broader pop audience with his new found diverse take on the pop genre.
New out of the bag is the rousing pop charmer “In My Head” that ponders the presence of Big Brother and of the effects of satellites falling from the sky. So whilst in one way it bows to the pop formula in it’s engaging melody, the content diversifies from the worn-out but reliable recounts of love and relationships that clutter the pop markets.
Significantly the video captures into its frames some watery moments; both showering and swimming pools feature, which incidentally follows through (fact fans) from the inception of the song that was written by Dill in his bathtub. Yes really!
Watch and allow Eric Dill to win you over with his cute looks and pop hooks.
[youtube height=”360″ width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxBKVZaDJPM[/youtube]