
By Mandy Rogers

We last set our eyes on the Estonian dance pop confectionary that is Kerli last year as she gathered up a shining “Army Of Love” of beaming Moon Children with duty instructions of taking over the universe. 

True to her word and elevated by her banded army of Moon Children, Kerli has reached new heights and transcended unto a higher pop fantastical atmosphere. Whereby, she has literally metamorphosised from Pop Princess into a galactical Disco Queen with the help of two wardrobe mistress space nymphs, who ensure that one of pops most brightest majestical forces is rooted in her sky high, disco-glitter shaker dome, kingdom, anchored by her sky scraper moon boots whilst attempting to tame Kerli’s flowing locks against a gravitational bad hair day. Yep – there is hope for us all, even heavenly visions have them!

As Kerli’s transformation completes into a regally celestial, otherworldly pop force. We leave her reaching out for a star to swing on and sweep up a few moonbeams to sprinkle back down to earth as she begins to transmit her vivacious dance pop energy waves throughout the universe, as she delivers “Zero Gravity” the first taste of her forthcoming sophomore album dropping later this year. By the sounds and sights of it, its going to be an absolute corker all round!