By Mandy Rogers
Here is the new single by Danny Shah!, what do you mean you have never heard of him? Well up until now the Scots lad may have been languishing in the shadowlands of acoustics and covers on Youtube, but he decided to up the ante by cheekily calling in favour upon the A List pop gliteratti including Rihanna, Britney and Katy in a bid to bring his name to notice and guess what they all said yes! *
6 weeks on. One original banging pop tune of cheeriness later and now armed with a promo rammed with enough of pop’s finest to blow your socks off! It’s up to this clever viral now to determine whether Danny Shah will sync or swim to chart stardom. But in any event the lengths Danny has gone too with this promo, it has definitely earned him the Highly Commended Badge in Arts and Craftiness!
We know that having just watched this video you will have been bamboozled by the array of Pop’s A Party gorgeousness flying at you but just to remind, the guy in question here is called DANNY SHAH and we were ultimately bowled over by his cuteness!
*In keeping with the fun nature of this project and video, this statement might have been elaborated in truth – no infringement intended!