He’s from Belgium and his name is Timo. Having had some success in Belgium and The Netherlands as an actor, host and singer, this multi-talented blond boy decided to go to LA to shoot a gay-themed movie called “Judas Kiss” after announcing his allegiance to the pink team not too long ago. Oh yes, it’s a familar story.
Now what’s interesting here is that upon set, he must have become somewhat closer-than-close to Brent Corrigan as he got the infamous twink (if you don’t know who he is, well Google him with caution, preferably not at work….) to star in his brand new music video to “I Like It Rough”. The result – oh just another homo-erotic bloody vampire love story set to an electro beat. Edgy – yes. The song? It’s ok. But again, I couldn’t quite take my eyes off of this music video – it’s 3.5 minutes of indulgence – good or bad, you decide…but I “kinda” liked it.