
by Raj Rudolph

There is something quite Morrissey about Diamond Rings new track and video too “Runaway Love” that I really connect with. I simply love the world that he lives in. For, it’s a world where pop hipsters can all gather at a race track and tacky motel and eat ten scoops of ice cream, bench press some heavy metal with stunt biker bears and get lip tattoos with scientists fresh from time travelling adventures intheir Deloreans. It’s all very free dimensional and I just dig it.

A few years ago, I wasn’t quite sold on Diamond Rings, his appeal was almost too quirky, hipster and out there for me, but the music really spoke. With the release of his new album “Free Dimensional”, I am now more of a fan than ever and hope one day I’ll get a chance to interview him and see him perform live.

Check out the video for “Runaway Love” right now – it will add some rainbows and sun to the doom and gloom that exists outside your winter windows right now.

If you haven’t heard “Free Dimensional” yet, you can stream it right here, right now.

Free Dimensional - Diamond Rings