by Raj Rudolph
I've been keeping an eye on Tayisha Busay for awhile now and at first I was a tad bit skeptical about them being one of the "hottest new electronic pop bands" to emerge from New York City, but they seemed to have stepped up their glam game a bit which totally excites me. Throwing away the DIY chic for something a bit more polished but totally still indie hi-fi makes for one rather interesting debut for Tayisha Busay in the way of new music video for "Nothing's Happening".
Trust me, me you won't see a sexier video today as this one is chock full o butts and lazers ahoy. If you're fans of the likes of MEN and Menya and the queer radical music message they stand for, you're sure going to really get what Tayisha Busay is trying to portay.
Put them into the "ones to watch out for" category sayeth EQ.
Tayisha Busay's debut album "Focus/Virus" is now available on iTunes.