By Mandy Rogers
She’s hussled with the best of them, Calvin Harris, Wretch 32 Producer Yogi and Camo and Krooked, earning herself the accolade of “Queen Of The UK Bass“.
Jordanian born Ayah Marar is a set to storm the wobble boards and bend the drum and bass massively in her own right, debuting on her own Hussle Girl dance break “Mind Controller”.
Switch to bump and grind mode, spin yourselves around three times and turn yourselves into a bun-head. Ayah’s on the burn, to rip up the grimey dance floor, with some girl swagger and penetrate your brains with a hot dinging hummer slice of Ibiza Summer.
Not only is Ayah hot savvy in the music frame, she’s of stylish foresight also, smartly apparelled wearing a blinging spare bicycle chain or three around her neck as she hot steps a dance to the Sun Gods and sends some “prairies” to them to find her way out the desert and safely into town, without incident of a break down. Thankfully, the only break down we pick up on this, is one on the bass line that repairs itself with some dirty ear pleasing phat fuzzing sizzle.