By Mandy Rogers / Photo: Nikko La Mere
Cute as a two button’s, two peas in a pod Canadian twin
sister duo Carmen and Camille sneak a couple of pages out from the Carly Rae
Jepsen and Katy Perry sprightly
bubblegum song books of pop.
These West Coast cuties splash the sunshine rays of catchy
pop on new release “IDGAF”, because you know they’re too pretty and sugar lips
smackingly well behaved to call that statement out in full.
What they do call though, is a fun time song, teamed with
the girls calling over their buddies to hang out with a few jolly of bottles
lemonadie so that they are captured in high spirits in a party hinged video.
Even going like, totally crazy, out there by playing spin the bottle – Oooo these wild childs somebody tame them,
before they do something rad like pass the parcel. Oh I am just jossing, they
are quite adorable.