By Mandy Rogers
The suited and booted London boys of Spector turn tack, putting aside the power sound they had created for themselves on their two previous releases, turning their hand at trying out some skewed pop that arrives at a curious anthem with an air of Pop Noir no less, and ultimately grabs our attention.
A torch song for the 21st century borne out of the premise of Spector lead singer Fred Macpherson's random encounter with a childhood sweetheart whilst clothes shopping in…wait for it…M&S?…er NO!…Primark!
Grey Shirt and Tie, boasts the melodramatic grandeur of classically refined Patrick Wolf, in a Brit Pop moment with Pulp’s “Common People” making it not only a juxtaposed mish-mash, but overall a shining eclectic gem, that just begs to be heard.
Accompanying such an unlikely song, comes a spectacular laser lit video that has been strobed to perfection by a Swedish one named Mattias Johansson, but although we enjoy it, we can’t help but think to ourselves did they sneak a glance at a disguarded The Sound Of Arrows video board somewhere?