By Mandy Rogers
From first piquing our curiosity on the POPTRONIK HOT FUSS radar, the mystery music maker behind Sylver Tongue has been revealed as Charlotte Hatherley.
We didn’t need to know that prior to this she was guitarist with alternative rock band Ash and as such already has a pop savvy head on her shoulders to get us interested in this project, we were taken over in sheer excitement at the stunning streak of creative left-of-field originality displayed, that took us to a place of sublime experimentalism borne out of an 80’s advocate of experimental pop.
As the newly fledged Sylver Tongue, Charlotte digs deep into some delectable darkly warped 80’s inspiration fired on by back tracking back to the surging creative energy that Japan and David Sylvian produced back in the day. Sylver Tongue takes an 80’s moment in time, gains knowledge from it and then takes it to her a place of her own and with that pop’s her stellar debut single “Creatures” , all slathered with pounding bass and 80’s Sioux Siouxsie attitude whilst mesmerising with distinctly Fever Ray aesthetic to the video.