By Mandy Rogers
/ Photo: Anthony Neste
Hold tight EQ’s, I’m going to pour out or maybe that
should read – “paw” out this week’s Lady Gaga-alike / Madonna-alike /
Britney-alike from the inbox. Yep not a week goes by that a newbie artist or
two – both guys and gals present themselves to us and wave at us in our mail
box’s with mostly Lady Gaga stars in their eyes. For the most part I sit here
muttering “don’t try to re-create or impersonate. Innovate and give me
something different – please do!”
This is not entirely what Chelsea Bishop has done, although
give her and her video production team their dues, the video has had some cash
poured into it and it is quite pleasurable to watch, more – than – the – once.
Track side, I do certainly have issues with the auto-tune
and the vocal leans in weak, but overriding these factors and my reasoning for
highlighting this, is the overall mash-up concept of sampling both the
Eurythmics “Sweet Dreams” and Jace Everett’s “Bad Things” aka the True Blood
Theme song, is quite working for me.
The finished product here falls short of the mark for sure,
but it has the potential to be quite good if only the vocal lost some of that
cringe worthy auto-tune, because when Chelsea’s eau natural vocals briefly ring
in towards the end of the soundtrack, it sounds so much better as a feisty
talking narrative than an over used tech produced technique.
Anyway, job done team Chelsea Bishop and your buzz, get me
out there, notice me song. You have
been noticed!