"I'm finally home! Now where's my cup of tea…"
Stereogum has put up a stream of Imogen Heap's new single "First Train Home" and needless to say, it's everything as gorgeous, poignant and graceful as you expect from our fair godess of electronica.
While most of us are struggling to catch the last train home when we are away from our comfort zone, Imogen's new single finds her in a conflict of sorts with her immediate other and the place she is visiting. She's a bit eerked at being taken somewhere she doesn't want to be and can't really wait to leave – a common situation that most of us have been in one time or another. And as awkward and discomforting being in that situation may be, Imogen Heap delivers it with a beautiful soundtrack of lush electronica that goes by far too quickly in four and a quarter minutes. I've listened to it about seven times this morning and can't stop pushing the play button every time it finishes – it's that beautiful dear EQs.
My favourite line from the song: "Want to get on getting on with things…I can't do any of that here can I?" – Makes me wonder where on earth she was dragged to – probably didn't have internet connection did it? I could just picture her hefty smile too when she finally did get home – rushing through the door with her suitcase, shuffling to the kitchen kettle and putting her feet up with a cuppa all the while yearning to get this feeling transcribed into a lush piece of electronica…makes me even more hungry for the new album – and if the first single is that good, can you imagine what the rest of the album is like?
Imogen Heap's "Ellipse" is out August 24th in the UK and August 25th in North America.