You know when Sam Sparro busted on the pop scene, I was like "Oh, yeah another Calvin Harris" who happens to be openly gay – visit the insightful cover story in Boyz magazine for more on this… But this LA electro/soul/funk boy continues to amaze me. Check out his performance of "Black And Gold" on the UK’s hit TV show, "The Friday Night Project" in which my appreciation for Mr. Sparro officially went up a notch, despite his "I don’t really get it" video of "Cottonmouth" on his MySpace page.
I look forward to more good quality electro tuneage from Sam. And if I may, although the brightly coloured clothes are hip and trendy at the moment in some circles, I think Sam might look better in something more simple, elegant and sophisticated – says the GAP wearing non-fashionista.
Just don’t get rid of the trademark white specs Sam – hot.