I got this rather "interesting" letter in the mail from someone called "The Woman Next Door" today…
I feel it's rather appropriate to just copy and paste it in here for all you EQ readers to read and enjoy. I don't know how the frick to help her out, but perhaps we should all just go stalk this Koonian guy on MySpace…he's creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky. But most of all – I think he's FUCKING BRILLIANT. Obsession brewing…most definitely.
Hey Raj dear,
It’s me. I’ve got a little question:
Well, fact is, he just crashed his friggin' spaceship into my backyard, messed up my tulips and stuff…He said it wasn’t his fault, well I guess it wasn't … but the thing is…now he wants to go home. (that’s the only non crappy English sentence I got out of him, btw) And I would also like that to happen, you see.
Not that he isn't nice or anything, but you know, I have a life of my own, and he scares the dog… And because he keeps singing these pop songs I guessed you might know anything about him. Well, I also did a search on the 'internet' and found these clues: music, tale, pop, visual, catchy, theatrical, spaceboy, rabbit, mars, ears, eyes, minds, mouths…
And after much observation I think I can also safely say he is not: the NEXT lady gaga, female (still not 100 percent on that one), human, English, signed to anything at all, smart or funny or good looking or talented! Maybe you can check the internet, something like koonian.com, or myspace.com/koonianmusic. Don’t know, just a wild guess.
Oh, and I also found this:
(if I knew HTML you would be able to see this video right now, but you know, I'm just a simple woman.)
Well, hope you can help me.
O, and don’t forget to water my plants when I am in Mallorca next week, hon.
the woman from next door.
PS: do you maybe also know someone who can clean up the spaceship wreckage in my garden?