By Mandy Rogers
What have we here! It’s American/Brazilian, Brother/Sister Duo Blondfire, appearing on first glance as somewhat an incarnation of Empire Of The Sun! Don’t think they are not all face paint and feathers though, their ability to craft stonkingly amazing alternative pop in our opinion, stands out above head and shoulders high.
Mix up the “Oracular Spectacular” period of MGMT amongst the dreamy synth pop waves of Empire of The Sun and hey-presto you will arrive at Blondfire. (For those of you craving even more knowledge about the band their innovative take on their Biography also wins them Brownie points in originality – so cool!)
That all said, you would be right to presume that Blondfire would not go down the route of convention on their video also. Prepare yourself to witness the Chuckie of the soft toy world come alive in the form of Cowboy Panda Kid.
Blondfire – “Where The Kids Are” is available through iTunes