Remember these “Funky Divas”…
With the 90’s making a huge huge comeback in modern music, it should come as no surprise that En Vogue are planning their big comeback as well. For those of you kiddies who have no idea who En Vogue is, well they were only one of the hugest female RnB acts of the 90s who eventually split up in 1997. Well, I for one am over-the-moon that En Vogue are coming to London this month for their big show on October 21st at the IndigO2 – I never got the chance to see them live in their hayday and for me, this show is a must not miss opportunity.
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate one of the acts that set the standard for the world “diva” shall we…now if only this song could get a pumpin electrified remix (hint hint remixers), I’d be one happy EQ. I even hear there is a big 20th Anniversary Greatest Hits CD in the works!