Sure you’ve probably not heard about She and The Bandit before. I would be extremely, surprised if you had as to tell the truth, as yet this project is rather, low key with the internet presence. Having been tipped off about this newcomer/ newcomers, (still unsure whether we are talking plural or not) I had to scrabble around to dig up scraps of information on them. There has been a debut single tucked away on Spotify since October last year. It’s a cover not an original, it’s a re-imagining of Rockwell’s paranoid pop classic “Somebody’s Watching Me” done in a way like you’ve never heard before.
This is kind of interesting don’t you think? They’ve released this track, the lyrics of which more than implies how protective they are of their privacy. It’s the debut release of a much bigger project to come and of which they have been working on for at least two years. Obviously, you’d put such a track out into the world to gauge a response, but the way this has been launched in almost a shroud of secrecy feels a little too cautious. I’m not about to blow the lid on who is behind this mysterious venture, I’ll play along, as I feel best suits in with their wishes, at this point. What I will say is, I have never heard this vocalist sing this way, so dramatic, almost theatrical. They are really pushing their artistry into areas they haven’t chartered before. I am very much of the opinion the Glambert fandom might well enjoy what is going on here in this spectacular Rockwell tribute.
This track was chosen as a way for the master brains behind She and the Bandit to honour Michael Jackson for the inspiration his music has given them. (Jackson sings backing vocals on the Rockwell original.) While the song will be familiar too many, the widescreen pop style which this reimaging embraces, fits in sonically with the rest of the slated upcoming album “Living on Video.”
Like what hear? Use Instagram? It’s about the only place you’ll find She and the Bandit at the moment so keep your eyes peeled for more sneaky updates here.
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