Get ready all you electro heads, I’m now going to introduce you to your new favourite band!
That’s big words and a big statement to be making but I’m quietly confident that Brando, who come to our attention armed with buzz track “I Don’t Know What I Want” are poised to stir up a sound sensation which is favourable to diehards of 80’s stylized electronic pop. Especially to those of you who get a little excitable for the sophisticated kind of glam pop which we usually look to, coming from EQ favourites such as Dangerous Muse and the Divine Knights.
Brando are brothers Sam and Joe completed by their friend Luke. They appear to have been prepping up some demos and testing them out with some live shows. They have a pop celebrity fan in Boy George however, and they have a really nice press photo that caught my attention but not a full online presence as yet. This will need to be something to happen soonish though, if they are going to share anymore of their charismatically alluring synth led ditties in the near future.
The more I’ve listened to this track, the more I’m hearing added bits of Dead or Alive bop worthinesss following through. I guess I feel as though I’m being flung into an 80’s synth-pop vortex where Depeche Mode and Pete Burns could have cooked up some freakishly good dirty disco if they were given half the chance, or even cared to.
I didn’t realise how starved I’ve been of listening to this kind of yesteryear piqued electronic pop until I stared down at the play count, which read 20 plays! Yep I’m liking this, superbly much.