Here we have a rather solid track in all ways conceivable. The hooks are in place. The vocals are way to go impressive and the production is bang tidy!
It is also the first outing for new pop act Young Brother.
New in the sense that the brains behind the project Nashville native Dalton Diehl has just recently re-branded himself as said Young Brother.
In actual fact, this isn’t quite the first time either that Young Brother has found himself on the pages of EQ Music, being that he has already collaborated with another of our recently highlighted emerging artists – the quite fabulous keyboardist and up-coming producer Built By Titan, on their track together “Blind”.
Young Brother’s debut track “Kamikaze” really does have it all going on in my opinion, as it’s coloured with full-on buzzing pop direction, of the type that has been thin on the ground, in attempting to surface up through the mass of dance orientated tracks which have strongly dominated the currently on-going trend of dancefloor to mainstream crossover.
I’m telling you, this track “Kamikaze” is going off some! Whilst, bringing back the reals of N’ Sync era Justin Timberlake to the forefront of my mind.
You know what? just based on this one track, we should definitely keep an eye on future Young Brother happenings that’s for sure!