Stasney Mav is a name that is sure to stand out proudly in a google search. It is the moniker adopted by Nashville based music artist, singer-songwriter/producer Caroline Shumate. And just like her noticeable artist name choice, her music has a tendency to leap out so that you form an instant connection to it because it is rather enjoyable good pop. Mav was previously in a couple of bands and has since been writing for other artists, so she’s got some good groundwork behind her. It is, clearly, in evidence in her solo work and is best served on “Bullet” the latest single.
When I first heard this song, I knew I had to write up a review about it. The melody, the vocals, the lyrics stuck in my head. Moreover, Mav has such a wonderfully articulate, sense of wordplay that I really, didn’t mind that I was listening to another post-break-up song. In fact, I don’t want to bestow the injustice of “Bullet” being labelled just another break-up song, at all. When It is a sharp reminder of the courage needed to walk away from a relationship when you know deep down it is irretrievably too broken to be mended. Yet, acts like a prod, post-separation at the point when vulnerability creeps in and loneliness strikes, your emotionally foggy mind will have you believe for a short minute that a hook-up with your ex-doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Hopefully, this is when the rallying words of support and advice from your friends peep up in your head like little fairy godmothers, ready to slap some sense into you. Or as Stasney declares in this song “My friends say I dodged a bullet, but it feels like I straight up took it in the chest, if I’m being honest if I’m being true, deep inside I know I dodged a bullet too.”
“Bullet” is like only Stasney’s third solo release, penning this has given a work which everyone can relate to and really find power and strength in her words. It is also a confident, and alluring track which is nothing short of a winning combination to make a splash with on the pop music scene.
In the meantime, check out all of Stasney’s tracks for yourself on Spotify, friend and follow her on her social media platforms listed below and tell her you came over because EQ sent you.
Connect with Stasney Mav
Twitter: @stasneymav