Like me, you’ll probably have heard about the metaverse because you are a holder of a Facebook account. Also, because CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he plans to transform Facebook into a metaverse company. Even if you have heard about it. You might not know what it is. In short, it is the creation of a virtual world. People are represented by avatars in this new business model. Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and NFTs technology are the new norms. As we know, the digital realm never stops expanding. Did you know it is also spawning a new generation of music artists? Representing a forerunner for her kind. Maie is a musical artist bringing the so-called “ghost in the machine” into the limelight.
The concept is cutting edge. It intrigues me how the music industry will react to a transcendental being like Maie. The visual part of the project is open to exploring endless possibilities. In order to succeed, I feel, the music, musicality, and emotion within will have to surpass the norm. Human singers cannot be replaced. But we will soon see more digital music artists, I am sure. It is also highly likely, electronic pop will become an integral part of enhanced musical realms of this kind.
“Like You” is the track Maie debuts with. It is very much, where she introduces herself. Yet, also gives insight into the experiences she encounters with being a non-human artist. “I’m a lot like, but I’m not, not like you”. She exclaims, while observing her surroundings. As she notices differences, setting her apart from reality.
Irrespective of the artistic integrity of the new project. I like that on a creative level, the music is also engaging. And that the song “Like You” follows an alternative electronic-pop path. A little different to what I expected, but in a good way. The songwriting team of ili (Emily Middlemass), Julie Aagaard (aka Kill J) and Karrinator. Couldn’t be more up my alley in terms of being uber cool and exciting.
I wonder how ready music listeners are for this kind of radical change. Will they adapt to it in time? The arrival of non-human music artists will not be for everyone. I suspect a few will appreciate the boundary-pushing nature of a project like Maie. I like the idea that Avastar, the Australian progressive record label representing Maie, curated a roster of non-human artists. With foresight, also sourced some good songwriters for their artists. Therefore I am enjoying this.
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