
It is nice to see a strong woman vocalist surface on up out of the rising hot-bed of female emerging acts.

Of late it’s been a place that has quite been saturated with dreamy, melancholy singers which once you’ve had more than a few pitched over to you, their whispery tones do hold a tendency to merge into one blur of sound. Even being that the vocals are adequately reasonable because nothing so much of what they are doing sets them apart from one another. A burst of originality does wonders, coupled with a vocal that stands out helps enormously. When newbies appear to jump on trends en masse these ears do have a shut-down mechanism that kicks in. There is something in having too much of one thing!

London songstress LOOP however, is forging ahead with nice glowing vocal capabilities and an injection of added vibrancy in her songs.

With a mere couple of tracks to her name, the most recent being “Losing My Mind”. LOOP gains ground from other aspiring lady vocalists around her by offering up distinctive soulful tones which are rosy to blooming with colourful pop sensibilities.

Even though LOOP, isn’t a big concern as of yet she’s got a team mustered up about her that are taking care to ensure that she is being brought to notice with the optimum backing of great production and top-notch musical arrangements. By the looks of her debut video, it paths the way for a glittering journey into pop ahead.