I love this – it's absolutely awesome.
Ellie Goulding has just now released her first EP "An Introduction To Ellie Goulding" on iTunes without hardly any warning or build-up – just a simple message on Twitter letting us all know it's out there. Are you starting to see a trend here? I love it. I think Starsmith should follow suit and release something unexpected onto the masses in this same manner.
However, it appears that not everyone is a fan of Ellie being hailed as the next big thing – read this review from Music Fiend who obviously doesn't quite get why the whole interweb is going gaga for Goulding…
"I read a article in the Guardian magazine about her the other week, and
they were professing her to be the next big thing , (the last person
they said that about was florence+the machine and how many no1's have
they had?!) so I thought yes, maybe she is good, and I've just listened
to all of the tracks on the album and, there terrible. For gods sake,
she sounds like a cockutoo in a food processor! I'm sure she is a very
nice girl, but she is a excellent example of record company hype, It's
annoying really as the british media seem to manage to skate over real
talent (Lady GaGa , Little boots) and dump the spotlight on some
unbeknown horror to the world of pop music. Tsk Tsk."
I have however, just downloaded "An Introduction To Ellie Goulding" right now.