- Spotted: Andy Bell of Erasure at the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho – looking very nice. Electroqueer’s boyfriend wasn’t impressed that we kept staring and he didn’t believe us when we tried to convince him he was a pop music genius.
- Spotted: Pete Burns of Dead Or Alive walking arm-in-arm with a very gorgeous man in London. Pete actually bumped into Electroqueer and said sorry (how polite). After watching Pete on Celebrity Big Brother we weren’t that impressed to see him…but 30 seconds later, a group of chavs recoginsed him and started chasing him down Oxford Street chanting ‘!! You spend me right round baby right round !!’…It was awful sight. I actually felt sorry for Pete. Sigh.
- Even though Katie Price and Peter Andre’s duets album is entirely going to charity…we still don’t think we can bring ourselves to even download it for free.
- We were musically reminded how HOT dance group Linear were from the 80’s this week. Do you remember them? If not, check out their video for ‘Sending All My Love’ in Electroqueer TV. We had our photo taken with them back in our spring chicken days…scan to come later!
- Isn’t about time that Sade release a new album? She was recently spotted by us in a Chinese takeaway joint in West London – she signed our napkin. Bless.
- We secretly have a massive crush on Stuart Price. La Sigh. He is the best part of Madonna’s documentary ‘I Am Going To Tell You A Secret’ – which certainly wasn’t as good as ‘In Bed With Madonna’.
- Does the world really need another Depeche Mode Greatest Hits compilation? We love you boys, but we’d rather you put out new material. Dodgy artwork too. Aaargh.
- We admit it – we kinda like Lily Allen. God…that was hard to say.
- We really really really hope that X Factor winner Leona Lewis doesn’t turn into a hoochie-mama like Mariah Carey.
- After watching the documentary about Skye from Morcheeba on telly the other night, we decided that we really like her too. She put out a fab new album this year called ‘Mind How You Go’ that got little press attention…you should check it out. We think the artwork is very cool too.
And finally, we leave you with Pete Bennett’s (winner of Big Brother 7) first music video called ‘Nuff Buzzin’. We can’t really make up our minds if we like it or not – Discuss.