DJ Adamix and EQ appear in this week's Boyz Magazine along with Kylie, Susan Boyle, Lady Gaga and Perez – see page 22!
Hey it's DJ Adamix here! First things first EQs- check out my new podcast, "Back to the Future" – just click here and hit play!
Someone said to me recently that there were only a finite number of
combinations of musical notes, so at some point we would have to start
recycling melodies. Well it seems that point came some time ago.
I'm currently in 90's recycling mode, listening to new versions of Cathy Dennis' "Touch Me (All Night Long)" by Nightshifterz and "Let Me Be Your Fantasy" by Carl Kennedy (wasn't he in Neighbours?) Vs Baby D. I've wished for ages that someone would remix Strike's "U Sure Do", so I finally took it into my own hands and mashed it up with Seb Leger's mix of Yazoo's "Don't Go". See if it works in my podcast, where you can hear all these and more!
Also on high rotation in my digital decks is the super-hot Luciana.
I can't get enough of her talky talky sweary sweary style – especially
in the Original mix of "I Like That" – and I can't wait to see her rock
the next EQ@Underbelly club night this Friday 31st July – make sure you don't miss
this one as it's going to be massive!
Finally, Miss Lynsey is really hitting the spot this year, churning
out hot track after hot track! Check out her latest track "Take My
Love" with Sound of Soho here, and have a listen to all Miss Lynsey's new tracks on her MySpace, including the anthemic "Ready 4 More" – out now on Hed Kandi.
Make sure to check out DJ Adamix on the decks this Friday night at EQ@Underbelly – FREE ENTRY!
Coming up tomorrow – the EQ interview with Luciana!