As you know one of the things we love about Darren Hayes is that he is a dedicated blogger. Even after the promotion for ‘This Delicate Thing We’ve Made’ subsides and The Time Machine Tour is done and dusted and on it’s way to DVD, we will still faithfully read Darren’s blogs because – well the man is just funny.
Check out this video blog he posted last night which gives you a sneaky peeky into his tour rehearsals and check out the new ‘keytar’ that Shave is sporting. Loving it.
And this got us really excited this morning…
Head on over to Arjan Writes to read about Seal’s new album which is being produced by none other than Stuart Price! It’s news like this that really gets our motor running on a Tuesday morning and we haven’t even finished our Starbucks yet. Thanks Arjan!
We also will be doing a review of the fantastic Unklejam show we went to last night. Stay tuned EQs.