Dangerous Muse have been on the rise to stardom for many years after the release of their viral music video “The Rejection” and ever since then, EQ Music has throughly been captivated with their every move and single release. Combining cutting-edge fashion with a stylistic approach to electronic pop music, it’s no wonder why Dangerous Muse are as popular as they are today, yet still manage to ride the fine line of underground cool and queer chic.
Last night, the Dangerous Muse documentary “Brooklyn Backstories – Furey” aired on NYC television and EQ Music is elated to be the official online partner for the documentary.
Think you know about Mike Furey and Dangerous Muse? Well think again. The documentary dives deep into the psyche of Mike Furey and the sheer ambition that the Dangerous Muse project brings to the world of relevant, independent electronic pop music, through all the ups-and-downs of trying to make a splash in the new music industry.
I asked Mike Furey about why they decided to partake in the documentary and what the future holds for Dangerous Muse – this is what he had to say…
“When director Tiffany Pham asked me to be the subject of the pilot episode of the new series ‘Brooklyn Backstories’ in association with Brooklyn Free Speech and Brooklyn Public Network, I saw it as a great opportunity to share more of myself and my project than ever before. Written interviews and social media outlets have certain limitations. Doing this piece enables me to open up and make an intimate connection, face-to-face, with listeners everywhere. It also gives me a chance to bring some of my collaborators who mean so much to me and to my process to the forefront. It is important to me professionally as it clarifies the evolution of Dangerous Muse—from first inception to current configuration—and demonstrates the breadth of my musical performance style—from acoustic to electronic-rock, studio to stage. I feel I owe this insight into my life and I am grateful to have been given the opportunity.”
Future plans for Dangerous Muse and myself are already in motion. It has been my experience not to announce grand schemes too soon but I will say that our next EP entitled “Green” is on the horizon. I have entered a time of release in my life personally and professionally. It’s my duty to create music for people to fuck to and I intend to rise to the occasion. Creatives everywhere need to know that New York City is still a thriving community of artists, especially queer youth—despite Patti Smith’s recent slams on the city. The rent is higher, the fight is harder but we are resilient. We are not quitters. We are New Yorkers.”
Enjoy the Dangerous Muse documentary and if you’re curious about what their next music video will look like – this piece of YouTube gold will not disappoint.
Dangerous Muse are due to release a new EP very soon.