
That's right EQs!  We've got a handful of physical copies of Madonna's new single "Give Me All Your Luvin" to give away to you dear readers!  Yes, physical, like actual paper and plastic! 

All you have to do to win is follow us on Twitter on @electroqueer and send out a tweet with the hashtag #EQGiveMeAllYourLuvin and we'll pick some random winners next week to win.  The more creative the tweet, the better chance you have at winning – only because we dig orginality here at EQHQ.

So what are you waiting for – get tweeting!  And what the hell, let's just watch the music video again shall we…

Terms and conditions:  You must be a follower to win and if you do win, we'll notify you via direct message on Twitter.  We don't accpet bribes.  End of.