Elyar Fox 1 Look upon internet sensation Elyar Fox as a slightly growed up version of Benjamin Lasnier. Lasnier the Danish boy-child Instagram wonder, that makes you wonder for all the cuteness and Youtube covers can he really in all seriousness be developed as the next Bieber?  I guess we all have to watch that space for some time yet in a curious capacity to see where he’s headed.

Elyar Fox on the other hand, 17 year old London kid and YouTube cover uploader has the edge with the added maturity on his side.

Fox’s debut original material “Colourblind” is rife with jangling mainstream pop candy that is sure to whip up the teen market into a frenzy of girly giddiness.

To be honest for all it’s hype “Colourblind” is totally an epidemic of cheeriness armed with an infectiously breezy hook that will end up playing on your mind all day and oh gosh did we mention those cute dimples also!  all of this together and this is just the lyric video!

An especially frothy pop tune “Colourblind” is yours for FREE DOWNLOAD at  elyarfox.com