
I had a very fun and insightful impromptu interview with Calvin Harris last night, but whilst I'm away transcribing it, I thought I would at least give you this little nugget as to what Calvin thinks about the whole Sugababes controversy…he's definitely Team Keisha.

EQ: I have to ask you since you're a prominent figure in pop music, what is your take on the whole Sugababes controversy?…
Calvin Harris: I think, ultimately it's not about whether the band continues or the music continues.  I think it's a moral thing.  If in fact what's been said is true, if Keisha was pushed out behind her back…it's HER band!  It's wrong.  It's morally wrong. It's upsetting.  It's ridiculous.  There's not even a distinguishable brand as far as Sugababes goes anymore.  That's changed over the past few years.  They've become more American-ized.  The best work that Sugababes did was when they were working with British producers.  Things like "Overload" and "Stronger".  Their first album was was amazing!  "Get Sexy" is abysmal.  It's one of the worst songs I've ever heard.  If it was by anyone else, it would be as equally bad.  It's just a bad song…if that is going to be their subsequent output, and I believe that's what it is, then they're fucked anyway.  I think Keisha's probably best out of it…