I had a chance to catch up with the soulful and unique brand that is Bubbles & Cheesecake a few days ago and below you can hear our chat about all things B&C in this downloadable 30 minute podcast interview including;
- How Allee Willis and Holly Palmer came up with their kitschy name!
- Their thoughts on the gender war that broke out on YouTube in reaction to ‘It’s A Woman Thang’ !
- Delving into the diverse musical backgrounds of the two ladies – Did you know Bubbles wrote ‘What Have I Done To Deserve This’ by The Pet Shop Boys, the ‘Theme To Friends’ and even the hit musical ‘The Color Purple’! Cheesecake has even sang with David Bowie and Gnarls Barkley!
- Their thoughts on blogging and social networking and what’s happening next in their crazy handmade world!
I really enjoyed chatting with these fun gals and am looking forward to experiencing the many fun things Allee and Holly are bringing to pop music in the future. If you haven’t yet experienced the multi-media fun fair Bubbles & Cheesecake have to offer, make sure you check it all out on www.bubblesandcheesecake.com to get your taste!