Here’s another new talent that I have become aware of over recent months albeit that the artist in question Mononoke is about as under radar encased in a cloak of secrecy as it gets, yet the crux of this is that the music is so serenely seraphal and sensually spellbinding that it is hard to stall on presenting it even though the imagery is shrouded in wispiness.
The bare bones of knowledge that exist is that Mononoke is a solo artist originally from Liverpool now relocated to the hub of London Town, and that EQ’s is the full extent to where that knowledge goes.
Now possibly this time about a year ago we were just becoming London Grammar aware and I can impart now that Mononoke strikes a comparatively eclectic match to the introspective pop outlook of the band whilst also holding some relation to the evocative folky tones of the bands songbird Hannah Reid.
It is Mononoke’s second track sample of “Bones And Glory” that effortlessly depicts the alike hauntingly pristine lyricism and vocalism that is tantamount in polarity with Reid.
With tracks as blissfully resonant as “Bones And Glory” and its predecessor “Alice”, I consider that Mononoke cannot remain in a music mist for too much longer.